UK entities
Given the limited time difference between the time of the securitization and the closing of the investment
properties and the time of the acquisition and approval of the Business Combination on 2 June 2023, the
shares of the trust companies in the UK (these are the acquisition vehicles, whereby the company sought
to create a trust-like structure, and are hereafter referred to as “trusts”) have been acquired at par value
as of that date. The investment properties Somerset House (owned by the trust Somerset Land and Property
Ltd.) and Travelodge (owned by the trust Edinburgh Land and Property Ltd.) were already owned by the
relevant trust company before 2 June 2023, together with the 100% financing thereof which was also
acquired at face value, comparable to the market value (based on independent valuations). The transaction
costs incurred in the acquisition of these properties were also incurred already by the trust and financed
through the vendor loans as well. The income from the lease of these properties less costs and taxes, from
the moment of securitization and the closing until June 2, 2023 is accrued to the owners of the trust, being
the private companies of NAI’s Management Board. This concerns a profit of £ 65k (£ 83k less taxes £ 18k)
and was set off against the vendor loan from these private companies at the moment of the Business
Combination. The final purchases of the properties Sutherland and Blythswood (by Glasgow Land and
Property Ltd) have been realized just after the 2
of June 2023. The interest charge on the vendor loan
from the date of acquisition until the 2
of June 2023 amounts to £ 351k.
Below we have included an overview per acquired UK property and the considerations that management
had in assessing this transaction.
Somerset House, Birmingham
The negotiations with respect to the acquisition of Somerset House were initiated on 20 October 2022. The
Heads of Terms were agreed on 7 November 2022. The legal due diligence was finalised in mid-November
2022 and the closing date of the aforementioned acquisition was on 28 February 2023. As of 9 November
2022, a certificate of incorporation of a private limited company Somerset Land and Property Ltd, and a
statement of initial significant control declaration, has been agreed regarding Somerset Land and Property
Ltd, a limited liability company, in trust, to be held, administered and disposed of by the UK trustee, Mr.
Yonah Chaim Reich, for the benefit of its beneficiaries, being the four promoters of New Amsterdam Invest
N.V. In addition to acting as Trustee, Mr. Yonah Chaim Reich is company director and holder of a deferred
share. The other four (4) non-voting shareholders are comprised of the members of the Management Board
of New Amsterdam Invest N.V.
Somerset Land and Property Ltd acquired and owns the office building as of 28 February 2023, being
Somerset House. The purchase price paid by Somerset Land and Property Ltd to acquire the real estate
property Somerset House amounted to € 18,958k or £ 16,304k (including transaction costs). The total
investment including transaction costs and taxes has been financed with a Vendor Loan provided by a private
company owned by the members of the Management Board of New Amsterdam Invest N.V.
The share capital of Somerset Land and Property Ltd was originally divided into one ordinary deferred share
and four ordinary non-voting shares. The ordinary deferred share was held by Mr. Yonah Chaim Reich, who
hold 75% or more of the voting rights in Somerset Land and Property Ltd. Furthermore, he had the right to
appoint or remove the majority of the board of directors of Somerset Land and Property Ltd. The holder of
the ordinary deferred shares had full rights with respect to voting but restricted rights to dividends and
distributions as set out in the company's articles of association. On the other hand, ordinary non-voting
shares had no rights with respect to voting but full rights to dividends and distributions as set out in the
company's articles of association.
The net result after tax for the period until 2 June 2023, totaling £ 114k (£ 144k less taxes £ 30k), was
attributable to the holders of the non-voting shares being the members of the Management Board of New
Amsterdam Invest N.V. This was settled through the vendor loan. The interest charge on the vendor loan
from the date of acquisition until the 2nd of June 2023 amounts to £ 167k.
New Amsterdam Invest N.V. acquired all the shares of Somerset Land and Property Ltd at the nominal value
of £ 5 on 2 June 2023. Somerset Land and Property Ltd main assets consists out of the property valuated
at the costs of investment (acquisition price) fully funded by the Vendor Loan. Based on a valuation
performed by an external valuator in April 2023 the purchase price of the investment property excluding
transaction costs was considered by management to be in line with the market value.